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Performance Under Pressure


          Retired NBA star Robert Horry said it best, “pressure can bust a pipe or pressure can make a diamond.” I know the first thought that comes to mind is the beauty of the diamond itself.  Let me assure you, it’s the process that should be glorified.

            During the spring 2015 semester, I was awarded the opportunity to be a work study assigned to the Sumter County Adult Education Center.  I was interviewed by the Director and she deemed it best I work with the youth and assist with the YouthBuild program located at the South Sumter Resource Center. After receiving some insight about the program, I questioned my decision to be a work study but having a military background I was accustomed to ‘making lemonade when given lemons.’ 

            That semester I began filtering some business core classes along with my Carolina core to breathe more life into my college path. I took two Management Science courses, one Economics course and a 200 level English, not too strenuous of a load but still challenging and demanding.  Meanwhile at the Resource Center, YouthBuild staff members were in early stages of planning and coordinating to begin a new class, or cohort [OA1] [TG2] as they are identified in the YouthBuild database.  The cohort would begin in March 2015 and it was late into January.  I was excited because I am a fan of seeing something from start to finish and this program was all about helping youth, ages 17-24, who had dropped out of high school.  The program provided a path to earn their high school diploma, learn a trade in the construction field, and conduct community service throughout Sumter. 

            I was aware that the current staff reflected a huge staff turnover.  The current director was 5 months into the job, YouthBuild program manager had 3 months experience in that position and administration procedures where lacking.  During staff call, we were provided handouts as a basis from the previous cohort to start adjusting and adding to the schedule.  There was chaos as to how this is going to work and what direction will we go with this.  That’s when I stepped up and asked to take over and establish our standard.  I stated how the handout was great but I can provide a product which looks more appealing than what we had.

            Remember I told you that I was taking two Management Science courses this semester, well it just so happened that one of those courses was Computer Information Systems in Business.  In that class, we learn how to work in proficiently in Excel, PowerPoint and Access.  I was able to apply the knowledge received in my MGSC 290 course to the workplace and present a product which was easy to follow, change or update as needed.  Dealing with various schedules, there were a lot of changes that took place but a week before the cohort began, we had a product to follow and guide us during the weeklong process.  We placed the product in every folder for every applicant that signed up.  After the week was done we had a staff meeting to discuss improvements and sustains and I was thanked for taking the lead on helping with the program.

            Granted I was aware I had a new job, my work study, and I was taking some courses associated with business.  My new job was geared towards health and human services, meanwhile my classes focused on business and business related aspects.  Not in a million years would I have ever thought, while sitting at my computer at home, doing those problems for MGSC 290, I would be applying them at work within a month of learning how to work the program.

            Being able to put on my resume that I am proficient in Microsoft and especially Excel and Access will open many doors for me when it comes to employment.  We companies see that this employee knows how to utilize technology and get the job done using limited manpower they will see it as a benefit to add me to the team and position me to have a voice within the company.  It may seem like this is a small accomplishment but using programs with Microsoft is demanded as much as learning how to sign your name in cursive writing these days.


The schedules before and after I modified them to fit our upcoming YouthBuild Mental Toughness.

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